FEED, For Educators

Discussion Questions for Educators

Appropriate for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers

 What a potent book and an important topic. If you are an educator, please assign this short novel to your kids. I have tested it on more than a few middle and high schoolers and they liked it, even felt captivated by it and knew there was truth in the story that they needed to pay attention to.

Five discussion questions for your students

  1. How is the feed similar to the way we connect to our devices?
  2. How is the feed different from the way we connect to our devices?
  3. How would you describe Titus and his friends?
  4. How would you describe Violet?
  5. Who is more of a hero? Violet or Titus? Explain why…

To read a no spoiler review of the novel, click here.

To buy, FEED, click here.